Digital Advertising, Healthcare

3 Digital Marketing Strategies That Work for Any Healthcare-Based Company

  Posted by Mike Davis on August 7, 2017

The healthcare marketing world is ever-changing. It is essential now more than ever to be in the know of what digital marketing strategies work for healthcare-based companies and put into practice how potential patients prefer to view your message. Take a look at the top digital marketing strategies your healthcare-based company needs this year.

Media Outlets That Work for Your Brand

Marketing for your healthcare-based company works best when you figure out which media outlets are right for your brand. A standard still today, email marketing can help your healthcare company effectively reach patients and capture data for the future. By segmenting your emails, your target audience can be reached accordingly by factors such as age.

Videos and podcasts are other effective outlets that can communicate your company’s message. Educate potential patients on your company or on the services that your company provides through a video that shows patients what they need to know, or create a digital audio series that patients can listen to by podcast.

To increase the likelihood that your website will be in the Google search results of a patient, write keyword-worthy blogs that are a main feature on your website. Adding images to your blog posts and ensuring that your blogs can be shared on social media outlets are key factors to consider as well.

Regardless of what media outlets you choose to market your message, your healthcare company should have a social media presence. Give potential patients the opportunity to see that your brand has people working behind the scenes by responding to concerns, questions, or feedback in real time. You must use your social media platforms to your company’s advantage by not only posting on company pages, but utilizing ad and tracking tools to reach more potential patients.

Content That Tells a Story

Creating content that best represents your brand is essential to marketing your healthcare company. Whether it be through a blog or a video, make sure your message is consistent. Know what your healthcare company stands for and stick by it.

With that being said, content should tell the story of what is going on currently in your healthcare company or how your company is adapting to the current healthcare and/or marketing world. You want your company to gain awareness through such content and hopefully earn new patients as a result.

You can better understand what content patients are searching for through search engine optimization (SEO) tools. For example, Google can help you determine how relevant your content is to your healthcare company by measuring keywords, back-end tags, and meta descriptions, and can even show how your content relates to the intent of a person searching the Internet. Google can also measure the authority of your content by ranking it based on how many times it is shared or how often other sources link back to it.

Mobile Gives Your Brand a Voice

Research and social media use by mobile device is continuously growing in popularity, so creating content that is available via mobile is a must. Since you are a healthcare-based company, you need to count on mobile to help connect patients to your brand because other healthcare competitors are already taking advantage of this tool. Make sure all outlets and content performs correctly on mobile and continue to look for new trends such as creating an app that patients can use to reach your healthcare company.


Contact BlaineTurner Advertising for marketing that stays up-to-date with current digital strategies.



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