Digital Advertising, News

5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency

  Posted by Mike Davis on August 21, 2017

Is your company looking for a digital marketing agency to effectively communicate its goals and values? Before you head into an interview with potential agencies, the following questions will help you determine if an agency is right for your company.

Can Your Agency Manage Our Company’s Social Media Platforms?

Your company should look for an agency that uses current marketing strategies that fit your target audience. Many consumers look to social media for reviews, insights, and the overall appeal of a company before making purchase decisions. To keep up with the times, your company needs to be active on social media platforms if it is not already. Ask potential agencies how they plan to keep up with your social media accounts and how they plan to relate your company’s brand to its followers. Find out if they have a content strategy and how they plan to utilize it across all social media platforms.

How Does Your Agency Utilize Content?

You want an agency that knows how to create content that tells the story of your company’s image through multiple channels. Blogs that contain keywords that your company’s target audience is searching for help to generate traffic to your website. Print and digital ads, television spots, email marketing, and online videos are also effective strategies to utilize content creation. Ask the agency how they plan to distribute your content and how often they plan to create new content.

Does Your Agency Offer Web Design?

It’s important to have a company website that is both desktop and mobile-friendly. Ask the agency how they plan to make your website responsive on multiple devices and how long it will take to deliver results. It is also beneficial to ask the agency about the other websites that they have designed for you to ask questions and to see the agency’s work. Additionally, find out if the agency uses a website template or custom designs each website that they produce. Ask how much input your company will have on the design and layout of the website as well as any concerns such as adding a pop-up survey or security features to the website.

How Much Would This Project Cost?

Determining project costs and fees before the agency starts on anything is essential. Ask the agency how much it will cost to create a project per hour and overall as well as other expenses such as website hosting and stock photos. Go a step further and ask what will happen if the project goes over budget, and when you need to make payments to the agency. Remember to bring your budget with you when asking these questions.

What Is the Timeline for This Project?

Talk to the agency about a realistic timeframe of how long a proposed project will take. Ask the agency how they will communicate with your company, as well as how your company can get in contact with the agency. Additionally, the agency should be able to walk you through the process of the project you have brought to them and how they plan to measure the outcomes of the project.

It can be difficult to find a digital marketing agency that is the right fit for your company, but there is an agency out there. BlaineTurner Advertising uses creativity to deliver real business results – We strive for continual optimization to benefit our client’s bottom line. Our clients expect us to deliver extraordinary results, and we expect nothing less.

Let’s Work Together.


ClayPot Creative (2015): 15 Questions to Ask a Marketing Agency

Leverage Marketing (2017): 40 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency


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