Digital Advertising, News

6 Social Media Tools Every Healthcare Provider Needs

  Posted by Mike Davis on June 8, 2018

Creating social media accounts for your company can increase awareness and give you an outlet to engage with your audience. You can find everything online: the local boutique you shop at, the nail salon, and even your hair stylist. However, what about your family doctor?

Did you know that 80 percent of internet users are searching online for health information, with almost half of these users looking for information about a particular doctor or healthcare provider? It’s true. If you’re a healthcare provider, it’s key that you have an online presence. With more and more individuals searching online for a local healthcare provider that best suits their needs, social media is often the first place you can get noticed.

In fact, a recent study described how information on social media can have a direct influence on patients’ decisions to seek a second opinion or choose a specific provider. Social media allows healthcare providers to stay connected with their existing patients, attract new patients, build an honest brand that people can trust, provide information and updates on what’s new in the industry, support the community, build traffic to their website and market their target audience.

Here are six important tools to consider when building your social presence:

Google Reviews

When a consumer searches a business on Google, the business’s information will appear in a chart within the Google search results. The chart includes data such as the business’s photo, phone number, Google Maps directions, how many stars the business was rated (out of five) and user reviews.

Did a patient mention his or her wonderful experience at your office? Your healthcare business can remind consumers to leave a review on Google. Studies show that 42 percent of users searching online for health information turn to these consumer reviews for their health-related information. Businesses have the opportunity to reply to these reviews in real time, which will show consumers that the business is prompt and cares about consumer opinions/concerns.


Blogging is the best way to get your voice out to the online population, and blogs have a high potential of showing up in online searches. A blog allows you to be seen as an expert in your field and the content you share has endless possibilities–you can write a blog on new industry trends, link to your website or social media accounts, or even add photos and video. Blogging is a creative outlet that gives you an opportunity to educate and build a relationship with your readers. Many blogs are now accompanied by video.


Today’s consumers are constantly switching their focus from website to website, especially on their mobile devices. The best way to capture their attention is with video. This resource offers consumers a visual and audio-driven experience that can easily and quickly relay health information. Facebook, Twitter and Youtube support video, and businesses can post their original video content on these sights, as well as their own websites.


Infographics are quick ways to distribute information to consumers through a visually-enticing image. Check out our example:

See how the information was short, simple, and easily relayed? These visual tools can be created in a variety of different outlines and can match your business’s theme. You can post these on your social media networks as an image, and share it with your followers. What are your business’s important facts? Make them catch the consumer eye with an infographic.


With more than 2.1 billion users, it’s the best place to start your social media marketing campaign and get real results. Offering a casual and inviting culture, Facebook makes it easy to set up your profile and “invite” individuals to like your page. Options like Live Video and video/photo posting encourages brands to connect with consumers on various levels. It also allows you to schedule and boost posts, as well a target specific ads to your target audience.


Twitter is the best place for staying updated on the latest news in 280 characters or less. With more than 336 million users, it’s another outlet for your brand to be noticed. You can build your audience quickly and get right to the point with short and direct posts. Plus, your Facebook posts can automatically go to your Twitter, keeping your voice consistent throughout.



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