1. Research
Relying on primary and secondary research to deliver an enhanced user experience, the agency restructured the site navigation by reducing the page count by 83% and increasing load speed.
2. Beautiful Design & Accessibility
The site was designed and built using the U.S. government ADA menu as a base to remain compliant for those with sensory impairments.
3. Keyword Research & Content Creation
The agency developed authoritative and relevant content based on keyword monitoring and visitor traffic analysis to increase search engine optimization and provoke immediate responses from our audiences. Conversions such as email opt-ins and downloads were created to measure and create relationships with site visitors.
4. It all Comes Together
With a customer relationship management system, the website now effectively reaches patients in the beginning stages of their journey and starts a two-way conversation based on site content, digital ads, lead capturing, lead nurturing and related digital assets to ultimately drive more patient volume, brand awareness and a better overall patient experience.